Saturday, April 16, 2011

Teaching the young child

The other day I was asked what I do. I smiled and said I am a teacher/director! What grade do you teach? I teach preschool. Oh? Why is that the response that some people give I often wonder this? I graduated from a great university! I studied child development. My plan was to learn all I could about children and families and then teach the young child. I do not have interest in teaching older children. As any teacher will tell you when you find the age that's right for you, you just know. Any high school teacher will tell me I must have extreme patience and I say the same thing to them. I believe it is a true gift to be a preschool teacher and I know the staff at Faith feel the same way. We are blessed to work with young children!

The other day one of the father’s of a preschooler was standing at the front door waiting for his child to finish what she was working on. He was heading to work, but was waiting for his preschooler to give him something. I watched for a minute and then asked what she was doing? The father looked at me and said she is drawing a butterfly; she draws one for me every morning. What a great way to start the day and such a gift to have a child love you that much! My joy is that I get to spend all day with this child and 41 other amazing children just like this!

Preschool is such a joy and I can’t think of a happier place to be!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring is here!


Spring is finally here! One of the preschoolers recently said "Ms. Darcy I hate the rain it's spoiling all of our fun." After two weeks of almost non-stop rain I had to laugh and agree with him. On a brighter note we have enjoyed some beautiful, sunny days! The children are able to use the playground again and it really makes a difference in the mood at preschool.

Spring is a fun, but busy time. We are finishing assessments and getting ready to say goodbye to our pre-k children. They have grown so much in just one year and now it is almost time for us to send them to the "big school" for kindergarten. Some of the preschoolers will be staying at Faith for kindergarten and it will be such a blessing to continue to watch them grow.

Some upcoming events to look forward to:
4/30 Preschool work day and BBQ
Fair Oaks parade

5/20 Parent's Night Out

See you there

Ms. Darcy